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2019 Rising Stars Festival

  • 03/23/2019
  • 2 sessions
  • 03/23/2019, 10:00 AM (CDT)
  • 03/23/2019, 2:30 PM (CDT)
  • Plymouth Congregational Church


Click at the "Register" button below to start the application.
Registration is closed

2019 Rising Stars Festival


Deadline: March 4 ,2019

The Rising Stars Festival provides an opportunity for students of all ages and levels to perform solos and small ensemble pieces in a friendly and non-competitive environment with a professional accompanist. Students will receive a certificate and constructive comments from a professional flutist. In order to participate in the Rising Stars Festival, students must become a member of UMFA and register for Flute Fest

Piano scores must be uploaded via Dropbox at the time of online registration (preferred), emailed or postmarked to the Rising Stars Coordinator by March 4, 2019. If mailing the form, please also email the Rising Stars Coordinator with your repertoire choice and a scanned copy of the piano part by March 4, 2019. The mail-in registration form can be downloaded here.

Rising Stars Coordinator:
Vanamali Medina |
6134 Penn Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55419

Registration Information:

  • Rising Stars registration with piano score, Flute Fest registration fee and UMFA membership fee must be submitted by March 4, 2019. There is no fee to participate in the Rising Stars Festival.
    • You must be a current 2018-2019 UMFA member. If you are not currently a member, please join UMFA first by becoming a member.

    • In order to participate, you must register for Flute Fest. Please note that student members of UMFA are able to add family members as guests for free.

    • Please submit a scanned PDF or clear full-page JPG images of the piano part to your piece via Dropbox upload.
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